Ryan Kalamaya

Is a Private Judge or Arbitration Right for My Divorce?

July 19,2019

Divorce is one of the most challenging chapters in a person’s life. For many reasons clients such as business executives, celebrities or high net worth individuals want to keep their legal divorce proceedings private and maintain as much control over the process as possible. With mutual consent, a private judge or arbitrator can be used […]

Can a mother move a child away from the father without his permission?

March 01,2019

Change is inevitable. Change is constant. – Benjamin Disraeli How far can you move if you have joint custody? How does a judge decide who gets custody? What happens when a parent wants to move somewhere far away after a divorce? We frequently hear these questions from our clients in Aspen, Edwards, Carbondale and Glenwood […]

Thinking of Getting a Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know.

October 15,2018

Studies have shown that the experience of separation and divorce are so traumatic as to rank second only to the death of a close loved one in terms of emotional turmoil, pain, and stress. Not only is divorce accompanied by feelings of guilt, rejection, embarrassment, and anger, but the process also causes fear and uncertainty […]

Divorce Wish List

September 13,2018

Now that you have hired a divorce lawyer, what next? Tell your attorney exactly what it is you want to get out of the divorce. Give us a specific “wish list,” detailing in writing everything you would like to have when your case is concluded: maintenance, parenting, property, etc. Below are some tips on making […]

Meet Michael Fox

September 12,2018

Michael Fox helps people going through the most difficult time of their life. As a trial attorney who specializes in personal injury and criminal defense, Michael fights on behalf of individuals going up against the government or insurance companies. Learn more about Michael by watching the video below.

Colorado one of the most favorable states for divorced fathers

August 15,2018

There’s a national trend for giving divorced fathers more time with their children. Last year, more than 20 states in the US considered enacting laws that encourage equal parenting time after divorce or made shared time the default. According to a recent study, parenting time varies dramatically according to what state you live in. For […]

Why Kalamaya | Goscha?

August 06,2018

We’re pleased to share our firm’s first video. Learn more about our award-wining trial team by watching the embedded video below.

Advice on Child Custody Disputes

May 22,2018

We frequently deal with high-conflict parenting disputes in our family law team. Many clients call these “custody battles.” Over the next few weeks we’re going to have several posts on various issues such as Parental Responsibilities Evaluators, a checklist for what a divorce attorney would ask about at trial, and the like. The below is […]

What Happens at a Deposition

March 30,2018

In any Colorado divorce or personal injury case, the opposing lawyer has a right to take a “deposition.” This means that you will be put under oath, just as you would be in court, and the other attorney will ask questions relating to the divorce or personal injury claim. In nearly all personal injury cases […]

How to Save Money on Your Divorce Lawyer

March 14,2018

We all want to save a buck. And divorce can be expensive. Last week, I wrote about the factors involved in how much a Colorado divorce will cost. Here are some ways that will help you save money on your divorce attorney’s fees: PREPARE FOR YOUR PHONE CALLS. You are charged for every phone call with […]

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