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Top Divorce Consultation Questions | Episode 125

December 15,2022

Today we are re-broadcasting an episode that has aired before; we’re talking about the top seven frequently asked questions that come up in a consultation, what they are, and what our responses usually sound like. Using the example of Melanie and Eric Wolff, we ask and answer some pertinent questions common to the divorce process. […]

Work-Product Experts in Custody Evaluations with Dr. Andrew Loizeaux | Episode 98

April 11,2022

When it comes to custody evaluations, the court has to be thorough. CFI reports can prove to be inadequate if not paired with guidance and a better understanding of the nuances at play. This is where the work-product expert comes into the picture.  Joining us to explain the invaluable role of work-product experts in custody […]

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the 2018 Change to Colorado’s Spousal Maintenance Statute and New Law on Temporary Maintenance with Divorce Attorney Robin Beattie | Episode 77

January 28,2022

This week, Ryan Kalamaya and Robin Beattie discuss spousal support (aka maintenance or alimony). We get the behind-the-scenes story on the changes to Colorado’s statute on spousal maintenance due to tax changes. We also cover two recent Colorado cases that significantly impact how divorce courts deal with temporary maintenance. About Robin Beattie Robin Lutz Beattie is a Partner in the Lakewood […]

How Divorce Lawyers Help with Co-Parenting, What a Typical Divorce Costs, How Much Custody do Dads Get in Colorado, and More with Shea Drefs at Custody X Change | Episode 75

January 27,2022

Once you’ve made the decision to get a divorce, you may be wondering if it is beneficial to retain a lawyer or not and if you can achieve your desired results on your own. Ryan Kalamaya and Shea Drefs with Custody X Change explore a nationwide study that asked recently divorced parents how satisfied they were with their case and […]

Financial Planning Tips During a Divorce with Ali Phillips | Episode 59

November 14,2021

Clients frequently ask if they should involve a financial planner after a divorce. Even though it might be tempting to wait until after your divorce is finalized to involve a financial advisor, talking to one earlier on in the process can help shape the divorce settlement. Ryan Kalamaya and Ali Phillips of Obermeyer Wood discuss financial planning tips to follow […]

Planning for the School Year During a Divorce | Episode 54

October 28,2021

The beginning of each new school year brings unique challenges to divorced parents like extra expenses, coordinating pickup schedules, and extracurricular activities. It is important to create a game plan with your former spouse to allow for a smooth transition from summer back to school. Ryan Kalamaya and Amy Goscha provide tips for divorced parents to co-parent successfully […]

Current Real Estate Market Trends and Divorce with Tina Parks – Ep. 45

August 30,2021

Amy Goscha and real estate agent Tina Parks discuss current real estate market trends and give advice to anyone looking to buy or sell their home during a divorce in the current sellers market.  In This Episode Real estate market in 2021 How the current market can affect property division in a divorce Tips and tricks for listing […]

Understanding CFI or PRE Reports in a Colorado Custody Battle with John Zervopoulos – Ep. 23

June 04,2021

A crucial aspect in most custody battles in family law cases is a report from a custody expert, such as a Child Family Investigator or Parental Responsibility Evaluator.  Ryan Kalamaya  and Dr. John Zervopoulos cover 4 steps to analyze the report and recommendations from a CFI or PRE.  In This Episode: –       Reading a CFI […]

Benefits of e-Discovery for Divorce Lawyers with Brett Burney – Ep. 14

April 22,2021

Living in the age of electronic information can be challenging especially when it comes to legal technology and e-discovery. The vast majority of family law cases involve some form of e-discovery from text messages, social media posts, email, and more.  Ryan Kalamaya sits down with Brett Burney to discuss different solutions he uses with clients to combat common […]

Maintaining Health and Wellness During Divorce with Dr. Susan Darrah – Ep. 8

April 09,2021

The stress and grief that comes with experiencing a life altering event such as divorce, can affect someone both physically and emotionally. In episode 8 of Divorce at Altitude, Dr. Susan Harrah joins Amy Goscha to discuss the main areas of your health that you should focus on during the divorce process.  In This Episode –       How […]

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