October 29,2021
Amy Goscha and Laura Koupal discuss fertility laws and the surrogacy process in the state of Colorado. About Laura Koupal Laura Koupal founded Koupal Law Firm, P.C. in 2012 and has represented over one thousand clients in assisted reproductive technology matters, complex divorce litigation, non-traditional and LGBTQ+ family formation and dissolution, adoption and estate planning matters. Laura helped to […]
October 28,2021
The beginning of each new school year brings unique challenges to divorced parents like extra expenses, coordinating pickup schedules, and extracurricular activities. It is important to create a game plan with your former spouse to allow for a smooth transition from summer back to school. Ryan Kalamaya and Amy Goscha provide tips for divorced parents to co-parent successfully […]
September 15,2021
An integral piece of some family law cases is a report from a child custody experts or parenting evaluators. Ryan Kalamaya and lawyer/forensic psychologist Dr. John Zervopoulos discuss litigation tips for Child Family Investigator or Parental Responsibility Evaluators at The 2021 Colorado Family Law Institute. About Dr. John Zervopoulos Dr. John Zervopoulos is a lawyer and board-certified forensic psychologist […]
September 15,2021
Amy Goscha and Joan McWilliams discuss the ins and outs of parenting plans in Colorado, and how to stay focused on your children and support them throughout the divorce process. In This Episode: – How mediators help with making a parenting plan – Scenarios to think about in formulating a parenting plan – […]
August 30,2021
Often times after a divorce is finalized, one party may not abide to a certain set of terms in the separation agreement. What actions can you take when that happens? Amy Goscha and Georgina Melbye discuss when you can file for contempt in a family law case and what actions the court can take to remedy the situation. […]
August 30,2021
Ryan Kalamaya and Michael F. DiManna, Esq. discuss tips for mediation, the difference between mediation and arbitration and the downside of the med-arb process. In This Episode Difference between a mediator and settlement master Benefits of mediation and settlement in mediation How a divorce lawyer or different parties can help in mediation Things not do do in mediation […]
August 30,2021
Ryan Kalamaya and Eric Six discuss shadow and rebuttal experts in divorces at the 2020 Family Law Institute Conference. What is Divorce at Altitude? Ryan Kalamaya and Amy Goscha provide tips and recommendations on issues related to divorce, separation, and co-parenting in Colorado. Ryan and Amy are the founding partners of an innovative and ambitious law firm, Kalamaya | Goscha, that pushes the […]
August 30,2021
Some couples elect to sign a prenuptial agreement to help split up assets, should the need for a dissolution of marriage arise. Ryan Kalamaya and Amy Goscha discuss the steps to attacking or defending a marital agreement in a Colorado divorce. What is Divorce at Altitude? Ryan Kalamaya and Amy Goscha provide tips and recommendations on issues related to divorce, separation, […]
August 30,2021
Ryan Kalamaya and Tommy Maloney sit down to discuss his divorce experience and his advice for divorced dads. In This Episode – Tommy Maloney’s new book– How stoicism can benefit parties going through a divorce– Different difficulties men experience going through a divorce dealing with emotions– Blending the Family podcast About Tommy Maloney Tommy Maloney is the Executive […]
August 30,2021
The divorce process takes an emotional toll on everyone involved and it can be easy to get caught up in the emotions and forget about what actually matters. Ryan Kalamaya and Raiford Palmer discuss his top 5 suggestions for business owners going through the divorce process. In This Episode: – Raiford Palmer’s book […]