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Navigating the Highs and Lows of Spousal Support in Colorado | Episode 188

February 02,2024

On this latest episode of Divorce at Altitude, Ryan and Amy offer an in-depth analysis of spousal support laws and guidelines through a Colorado lens, discussing the role of income thresholds and individual earnings in determining maintenance. They also dissect a revealing Custody X Change study, providing our listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the […]

Understanding Spousal Support in Divorce Proceedings | Episode 180

December 07,2023

Navigating the rocky terrain of divorce is challenging, but understanding the complexities of spousal support can feel especially daunting. Ryan Kalamaya and Amy Goscha provide a roadmap through the world of alimony, or as it’s known in Colorado, spousal maintenance. We tackle the emotional issues that often stir around this topic, and we shed light […]

Contractual vs. Modifiable Spousal Maintenance: Which One is Best for You?

September 22,2023

Going through a divorce can be a challenging experience, both emotionally and financially. Determining spousal maintenance or alimony payments can be even more complicated. One of the crucial factors to consider when it comes to spousal maintenance is whether you want to go with contractual or modifiable spousal maintenance. In this blog, we’ll discuss the […]

Paying Alimony or Spousal Maintenance and Retirement with Ryan and Amy | Episode 127

December 16,2022

Many people plan for retirement with their spouse in mind — and then they get divorced! During today’s episode, you will hear what it takes to qualify for spousal maintenance, and why the court might be reluctant to grant it. We touch on Colorado’s advisory guideline for maintenance and support, with a specific focus on […]

Melanie Wolff’s Divorce Story

November 22,2021

Melanie Wolff opens the door to her three-row SUV, climbs inside, and tosses her iPhone on the passenger seat. She checks on the kids in the rearview mirror to make sure they’re buckled in and ready. A McDonald’s bag is still sitting on the passenger seat. Her husband, Eric, left it there. He used her […]

An Alternative Approach to Colorado’s Maintenance Formula

April 13,2021

There are many ways to analyze spousal maintenance. Divorce lawyers and parties will often focus on the approach that works to their advantage. Obviously one way is to focus exclusively on the income of each party and the formulas under Colorado’s “maintenance guidelines.” But that’s not the only way, and the guidelines are technically inapplicable […]

The History and Science of Alimony in Colorado

March 30,2021

Every divorcing client asks us: how much will I pay/receive in alimony? There’s an emotional element to paying spousal maintenance. Whether that is right or wrong, the first step is to ask whether there will even be spousal maintenance.  Assuming that the situation passes the “threshold test” from our previous email, the next step is […]

Will Spousal Maintenance Even be Awarded?

March 24,2021

Every divorcing client asks us: how much will I pay/receive in alimony? There’s an emotional element to paying spousal maintenance. Whether that is right or wrong, the first step is to ask whether there will even be spousal maintenance. The “Threshold Test” After addressing the preliminary factors we covered in our last post, there are […]

How Much Alimony Will I Pay or Receive?

March 18,2021

People considering or beginning a divorce understandably want to know how much they may receive in spousal maintenance or how much they can expect to pay. Unfortunately, spousal maintenance (aka alimony) is part science and part art. I’ll explain what’s science and what’s art in separate posts. First, you should understand the preliminary factors that […]

Top 7 FAQs for Divorce Consultations | Divorce at Altitude – Ep. 4

March 11,2021

As Eric Wolff steps into the office for his initial divorce consultation, he has many questions running through his head. “Am I going to have to pay Melanie alimony for the rest of my life? Where will I live? I don’t have the funds to move out right away. When can I start dating again?” Ryan and […]

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