
Vacated Lien for Back Child Support

A former spouse filed a judgment lien for over $160,000 in back Garfield County child support against a house owned by one of Ryan’s divorce clients. If enforced, the lien would have led to foreclosure on the house and financial ruin for the client. However, the former spouse failed to inform the court that the back child support covered a period of time when the children were primarily living with Ryan’s client. The filings that resulted in the judgment were also technically deficient.

Ryan filed multiple motions asking the court to set aside the judgment and order the removal of the lien. When the dust settled, Ryan and his client were completely vindicated: the judgement was vacated and the ex-spouse was ordered to remove the lien.

The Charges:

$160,000 Judgment Lien Recorded against Property in Eagle County

The Verdict:

Lien Removed and Judgment Completely Vacated